Insights & Resources
This on-demand session will explore the landscape surrounding federal financial aid regulations, including strategies to help ensure compliance and mitigate risk.
Find out how the new FAFSA form is likely to create challenges and opportunities for higher education institutions and families.
Find out about the key changes in the NCAA’s annual update to the Agreed-Upon Procedures Guide.
Weaver can assist Texas community colleges in developing solid data analytics infrastructure to prepare for the transition to new state funding requirements.
The new guidance for recipients of any HEERF awards has grantees looking at their public postings so that they are prepared to comply with closeout requirements.
The DOE hosted two webinars for recipients of HEERF awards. To ensure compliance with the terms of their award, recipients should consider several items covered.
Following steps to detect and avoid overpayment in construction projects will help keep costs under control for school district construction projects of all sizes.
Tune in as The Business of Government discusses the risks involved with capital projects and offers strategies for mitigating those risks.
Welcome to your new role in your district’s internal audit department. As an audit professional, whether at the director or entry level, your first months on the job can be critical.
There are many new funding streams available for community colleges in light of the CARES Act, this edition of The Business of Government touches on compliance for these funds and the changing trends in programing discussed at the Community College Business Officers conference.
New grant opportunities become available at a very rapid pace. Natural disasters, stimulus packages, and relief funds continue to be granted as different events occur throughout the country.
Often, when budgets and financial performance are evaluated, fund balances and changes in fund balance are scrutinized.