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Start exploring insights from across the industries we serve, featuring the latest industry trends, compliance alerts, tax and accounting news and much more.

With cryptocurrencies becoming more mainstream, Weaver is consistently asked to decrypt what crypto means for individuals and businesses that want to learn more.
Welcome to your new role in your district’s internal audit department. As an audit professional, whether at the director or entry level, your first months on the job can be critical.
If you have not already implemented GASB 84, or even if you have, this session is for you. Authoritative guidance continues to be issued complicating the implementation of the Fiduciary Activities standard.
In the current environment single audits are less than routine. Entities are left scrambling to keep up with all of the changes coming their way. This on-demand webinar will provide viewers with the most current information for their upcoming single audits.
For most school districts, preparations are well under way to make the transition from the old lease accounting to the new as required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 87, Leases.
Stay current on the latest developments in accounting and financial reporting affecting governments.
New grant opportunities become available at a very rapid pace. Natural disasters, stimulus packages, and relief funds continue to be granted as different events occur throughout the country.
Are you ready to Implement GASB 87, Leases? Join us as we take an in-depth look at GASB Statement No. 87, Leases and the associated implementation guides.
This informative on-demand webinar covers the most recent GASB news and updates. Weaver Assurance Partner, John DeBurro, CPA, takes an in-depth look at recent GASB pronouncements.