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Start exploring insights from across the industries we serve, featuring the latest industry trends, compliance alerts, tax and accounting news and much more.

While higher education institutions enjoy federal income tax exemptions on most of their revenue, it can be challenging to figure out when taxes are due.
Weaver’s Kirby Ross and Jackie Gonzalez explore the rules surrounding UBIT for not-for-profit organizations. Tune in.
What tax issues are impactful to your organization? How can Weaver help your organization adapt to emerging guidance? What are your unasked & unanswered questions on changes to the 990 and 990-T? In this user-driven session, our team delivers content based on questions and issues submitted by YOU during registration. The format was live and unscripted, exploring answers to YOUR most critical issues.
Landing a corporate sponsorship is an accomplishment, especially in today’s economy. If you do succeed in securing a corporate sponsorship, you’ll want to keep unrelated business income tax (UBIT) from cutting into your new income.
When cryptocurrencies first came on the scene, they were widely viewed as a fringe development, but in recent years they’ve moved closer to the mainstream.