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Tune in as Rob Nowak and Howard Altshuler discuss the effects of Hurricane Ian and other natural disasters on the real estate market and the economy.
Look back on 2020 with Weaver's Rob Nowak and Howard Altshuler and discuss how the pandemic has changed ecommerce, building design, and the hotel industry on this episode of Weaver: Beyond the Numbers, Real Estate edition.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced all sorts of businesses to get adaptable, and perhaps no one knows that better than the people running the financial side of things.
Manufacturing and distribution companies have certainly felt the effects of COVID-19 with many businesses overwhelmed by the significate swings in today’s supply and demand.
As we know, management is never easy, but what’s the best way to manage when in-person meetings or even informal tools for collaboration like happy hours are no longer on the table? That’s the challenge the majority of businesses have faced in 2020.
On this episode, the hosts tackled a tough topic – how does the COVID-19 pandemic end, and what will that “end” actually look like?
On this episode of Weaver Beyond the Numbers, Howard Altshuler and Rob Nowak outline the resiliency of retail properties and how it could be primed to once again play a role in recovering from a time of uncertainty.
The physical office is ready for a post-COVID comeback. While many company CEOs have pronounced the current state of working from home the new normal, there’s plenty of reason to believe there will be a return to the office after the COVID-19 pandemic is defeated.
Weaver’s Alyssa Martin, National Strategy Leader, Large Market, and Public Entities, and Adam Jones, State Government Practice Leader, led a recent webinar on KSA (knowledge, skills, and abilities) assessment for organizations
Dale Jensen, Partner-in-Charge, North Texas Assurance Services at Weaver, and Lee Colan, Ph.D. of The L Group, got together for a lively and engaging conversation about what the future holds for leaders and how culture and work may shift.
A panel of Weaver professionals outlines strategies for identifying risks left in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, giving c-suite leaders a roadmap for being agile and proactive in turning these risks into opportunities.
This episode of Weaver: Beyond the Numbers talks about the importance of SOC reporting in supply chain management, which is a critical component of many businesses.