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Weaver’s recruiting team sits with the Society of HR Professionals to discuss the ways that job interviews have changed in the post-pandemic world. Learn more.
IRS signs competent authority arrangements ensuring that taxpayers will maintain favorable treatment in income tax treaties with Denmark, Luxembourg, Malta & Mexico.
Employee Retention Credit (ERC) scams attempt to lure businesses into applying for the ERC when they do not qualify, even under its expanded eligibility.
Avoiding ERC Scams begins with understanding the partial shut-down safe harbor and other complexities within ERC qualifications.
Many third-party promoters of the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) ignore a crucial qualifier within the partial shut-down safe harbor: The “more than nominal” test.
CHC Development’s Rory and Rian Maguire discuss the boom in commercial development in the Fort Worth, Texas area on this episode of Location Cubed. Tune in.
On this episode of Weaver: Beyond the Numbers, Vince Houk and Josh Finfrock discuss the tax opportunities for businesses with cross-border activities. Tune in.
How will higher demand for outpatient surgery as indicated by market signals affect health care valuations? Weaver's professionals highlight the implications.
The SEC adopted a final rule under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 that will greatly increase the accounting and audit requirements for private fund advisors.
Don’t let your PCI DSS program fall by the wayside. Use Weaver's checklist to keep track of recurring activities when the assessor comes knocking.
Recent news about transfer pricing includes Brazilian transfer pricing rules, migration of intangible assets and IRS guidance for financial transactions.
From property tax expenses to construction-related exemptions, financial institutions can optimize their understanding of state and local tax implications. Tune in.