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Join Howard Altshuler and Aaron Grisz as they explore Fort Worth's real estate growth with Northern Crain Realty's Will Northern and Michael Crain.
Gain insights on NYC's real estate market trends and alternative investment strategies with Weaver's podcast, The Alternative Edge.
As small-ticket properties rise in popularity, real estate investors look for opportunities for manageable ventures with the potential for stable and steady returns.
Weaver’s Kirby Ross and Jackie Gonzalez explore the rules surrounding UBIT for not-for-profit organizations. Tune in.
Dive into real estate insights in DFW, the potential for office space conversions and the future outlook of interest rates with Weaver’s Location Cubed.
CHC Development’s Rory and Rian Maguire discuss the boom in commercial development in the Fort Worth, Texas area on this episode of Location Cubed. Tune in.
Tune in as Howard Altshuler and Aaron Grisz discuss the rise in self-storage properties in the U.S. catching the attention of investors.
Weaver’s Sam Wren, Howard Altshuler, Patrick De Loache and Aaron Grisz, share their insights on the Fort Worth real estate industry with the Dallas Business Journal.
Weaver’s Howard Altshuler and Aaron Grisz delve into the topic of expiring interest rate caps. Tune in to this Location Cubed episode.
The Location Cubed hosts dive into the economic impacts of the oil and gas industry, commercial growth, and residential demand in Midland with Meredith McKeehan.
In a recent episode of Location Cubed, Elizabeth Trochez shares her experiences as a participant in the Urban Land Institute Center for Leadership Program. Tune in.
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are subject to a number of transfer pricing rules and, when applicable, to onerous penalties. Learn about the requirements.
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