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Weaver and The L Group are pleased to invite you to the next session in our Healthy Growth webinar series: Inspiring Healthy Growth - Healthy Leadership. This live learning session will help you, your team, and your business thrive. Healthy leadership addresses human needs—it’s personal. Healthy leadership is like a cultural magnet that attracts people to your team and the cultural glue that makes them want to stay. If your employees don’t see healthy leadership, they will look for it elsewhere.
During this Healthy Growth webinar, The L Group presents how an aligned culture help creates the cultural glue needed to attract and retain the very best talent.
As we know, management is never easy, but what’s the best way to manage when in-person meetings or even informal tools for collaboration like happy hours are no longer on the table? That’s the challenge the majority of businesses have faced in 2020.
Weaver’s Alyssa Martin, National Strategy Leader, Large Market, and Public Entities, and Adam Jones, State Government Practice Leader, led a recent webinar on KSA (knowledge, skills, and abilities) assessment for organizations
Dale Jensen, Partner-in-Charge, North Texas Assurance Services at Weaver, and Lee Colan, Ph.D. of The L Group, got together for a lively and engaging conversation about what the future holds for leaders and how culture and work may shift.