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Boards and management should examine how traditional and emerging risks, especially generative AI and other new technology, may affect their operations.
Weaver's downloadable tool can help your organization address insider threats & identify and mitigate financial crimes, intellectual property theft & cyber attacks.
Weaver offers several topics to incorporate into the discussions at your next board and committee meetings. Consider these questions for your upcoming board meeting.
Weaver offers several topics to incorporate into the discussions at your next board and committee meetings. Consider these questions for your upcoming board meeting.
How will rising interest rates, supply chain issues & cybersecurity concerns affect your company? Consider these and other topics for your next board meeting.
Supply chain disruptions, international unrest, and post-pandemic realities are likely to be topics for upcoming board meetings. Find out more.
Here are five questions that will help guide your next board meeting and ensure your organization is ready to adapt to changing landscapes.
Watch our on-demand webinar where our panelists leverage their extensive organizational assessment knowledge and experience to answer your questions on various issues.
Weaver’s Alyssa Martin, National Strategy Leader, Large Market, and Public Entities, and Adam Jones, State Government Practice Leader, led a recent webinar on KSA (knowledge, skills, and abilities) assessment for organizations