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We’ve all seen it. Your organization has a contract in place with a key customer, but your obligations don’t necessarily make sense to the people responsible for achieving them. This is especially common with IT-related obligations, and is typically caused by the volume of verbiage addressing IT topics and a lack of understanding of that jargon by legal and finance leadership.
Both “essential” and “non-essential” businesses are experiencing the impact of COVID-19 on their operations and bottom line. Business owners are looking to their commercial property insurance policy as a means of minimizing or recovering revenue shortfalls by filing COVID business interruption insurance claims, construction claims and other property damage claims related to the pandemic.
When your small business faces a complex financial challenge, finding a professional with the right expertise may seem like more trouble than it’s worth, especially if the solution would take only a few hours of an expert’s time. Unfortunately, if your internal staff does not have the right specialized knowledge, it can lead to much higher costs down the road.