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You may have a fitness tracker that is connected to an application on your phone. The app sends data to a server that your primary care physician (PCP) can also access.
Get ahead of the curve by looking back at emerging trends in 2021 that are likely to impact health care valuation in 2022 and beyond.
Is your company considering undertaking an ESG reporting program? Weaver provides helpful information as to what other companies are doing.
Read about some of the impacts of increased hospital employment and accelerated retirements resulting in shortages of replacement physician investors.
The urgent care industry has been experiencing accelerated patient visit volume into 2021, continuing trends started in 2020.
Quoted in Modern Healthcare, Weaver’s Anna Stevens, Partner-in-Charge of Health Care Services, shares ways that providers can prepare for the reporting requirements related to Provider Relief Fund spending.
Many business valuations begin with calculating a multiple of EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization). In health care, however, valuators should deliberate just when and how to apply general valuation EBITDA transaction multiples for fair market value opinions.
Please join us on-demand as we discuss recent updates to the reporting requirements, some of the challenges and questions encountered as well as fundamentals to best prepare your organization for reporting.
Commentary from publicly traded Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) regarding their insurance spend expectations can be an excellent source of macroeconomic data for health care valuation professionals when projecting performance for provider entities.
Questions about the shelf life of a fair market value (FMV) opinion can arise when the parties seek certainty about compliance with government regulations or wish to maintain arrangements that are financially viable to all parties.
Professionals tasked with performing health care appraisals still face circumstantial challenges when performing their work fifteen months after the pandemic began. While a lot has changed, the basics of valuation have not.
Transactions for large hospice providers are yielding historically high multiples of EBITDA and revenue.