Motor Fuels Tax Minute, Episode 30: E 99’s and B 99’s
This week’s episode of Motor Fuels Tax Minute features a question from a viewer and a discussion of the taxes behind E99 and B99.
June 8, 2023
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This week’s episode of Motor Fuels Tax Minute features a question from a viewer and a discussion of the taxes behind E99 and B99.
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Detailed Description of Weaver’s Motor Fuels Tax Minute, Episode 30
Leanne: Welcome to Weaver’s Motor Fuels Tax Minute, where we talk all things motor fuel. This week, we’re answering a question from one of our viewers.
Kelly, what was the question?
Kelly: This question came through LinkedIn in response to one of our back to the basics Motor Fuels Tax Minutes.
It is “how are E99 and B99 taxed?”
This is a great question, but certainly would involve a deep dive. At a federal level, it is pretty straightforward: tax does not apply to these products unless they are sold directly into a motor vehicle. Now, at a state level, even though these products have been around for years, the states are still not uniform.
Emilda: That’s correct, Kelly. I think there’s a lot of challenges with that including federal and state, but states do treat it differently.
We just want to thank our listeners for tuning in and dropping the inquiry in for this week’s motor fuel topic. We will be sending out the Weaver swag.
This concludes our Motor Fuel Tax Minute. Thank you.