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While higher education institutions enjoy federal income tax exemptions on most of their revenue, it can be challenging to figure out when taxes are due.
The SF 49ers are celebrating a major win off the field: a 50% reduction in property tax for the next 30 years, which will save the team about $180 million.
The foreclosures may have significant tax consequences that catch many property owners off guard. Find out about steps for borrowers and lenders to reduce the pain.
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are subject to a number of transfer pricing rules and, when applicable, to onerous penalties. Learn about the requirements.
Weaver highlights two significant business deductions that have changed for 2023: business meals and standard mileage rates.
The new credit transfer provision in the Inflation Reduction Act could provide a new opportunity for REITs to invest in properties with solar facilities.
Making improvements to a rental property may have tax implications for landlords and tenants. Find out more.
When determining gain on a sale of property, real estate investors need to consider the property's placed-in-service date and the start of the holding period.
Property owners involved in real estate development may face very different tax consequences depending on their status as an investor or a dealer.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) eliminated a significant tax benefit for investors that are charged investment fund management fees.
Created as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the Qualified Opportunity Zone program created tax incentives for certain investments in lower income areas.
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