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Chief Financial Officers need to have the right tools and framework to make an effective impact on their organization. Find out how.
Check out our resources to assess your organizational risk and how your business can prepare or recover from a crisis when tested.
In the United States and the global economy as a whole, organizations are searching for the optimal avenue back toward more normalized operations and growth in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the aftermath of a global pandemic, we are adapting on the road to recovery. But, what does recovery look like, and how will we adapt? The drivers of the recovery include the outcomes of the global pandemic, as well as the response of businesses, consumers and governments. This presentation focuses on the trends impacting the global economy and global financial markets.
In the current environment single audits are less than routine. Entities are left scrambling to keep up with all of the changes coming their way. This on-demand webinar will provide viewers with the most current information for their upcoming single audits.
Quoted in Modern Healthcare, Weaver’s Anna Stevens, Partner-in-Charge of Health Care Services, shares ways that providers can prepare for the reporting requirements related to Provider Relief Fund spending.
Please join us on-demand as we discuss recent updates to the reporting requirements, some of the challenges and questions encountered as well as fundamentals to best prepare your organization for reporting.
During this on-demand discussion we talk about these challenges, the fundamental steps businesses should take to prepare for normalization, and new options and opportunities in the restructuring and turnaround space that can help organizations emerge stronger and better positioned to operate in the post-pandemic world.
Shared in the current edition of Healthcare Business Today, Weaver’s Anna Stevens and Yoram Kappel, cover recent changes to the Provider Relief Fund, including revised guidance and updated reporting requirements.
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) into law. The Act will provide a total of $350 billion in Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (Fiscal Recovery Funds) to help eligible state, local and tribal governments continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has discontinued use of the Loan Necessity Questionnaires, which were required for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans of $2 million or more.
Since March 2020, Congress has passed three stimulus bills that provided nearly $190.5 billion to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund.
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