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Learn about the business valuation pros and cons of dividing up the ownership interest during a collaborative divorce approach.
Like archaeologists using geothermal tools to pinpoint digging locations, forensic investigators have discovered how to use data analytics to help school districts narrow in on potential fraud, waste and abuse.
On this episode of Weaver: Beyond The Numbers, Host Adam Jones discussed grant compliance with Brandon Tanous, Partner Risk Advisory Services, and Travis Casner, Managing Director of Forensics and Litigation Services.
For mid-stream oil and gas companies, vendor and procurement fraud is all too common and can lead to substantial harm.
In a Texas divorce, community property is divided between the two spouses, but separate property is retained by the spouse who owns it.
In a Texas divorce, identifying and dividing community property is one of the first steps in the process. Identifying marital property is often accomplished through the legal process of discovery.
If you are going through a divorce, the division of property may be one of the most important concerns, second only to matters pertaining to children from the marriage.
Both “essential” and “non-essential” businesses are experiencing the impact of COVID-19 on their operations and bottom line. Business owners are looking to their commercial property insurance policy as a means of minimizing or recovering revenue shortfalls by filing COVID business interruption insurance claims, construction claims and other property damage claims related to the pandemic.