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Cutting edge industries that rely on research and development are among those hardest hit by an unintended consequence of this provision of the 2017 TCJA.
Proposed Treasury regulations offer guidance on transferring IRA green credits with significant limitations on how credits will be treated for certain taxpayers.
Weaver’s Energy Evolution vlog series explores various federal programs, carbon sequestration and fuel-related questions under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
Weaver offers several topics to incorporate into the discussions at your next board and committee meetings. Consider these questions for your upcoming board meeting.
The ERC program expired in 2021, but eligible employers, meaning a “recovery startup business,” can claim the ERC for 2020 and 2021 by timely filing Forms 941-X.
Those applying for the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit must use the DOE eXCHANGE portal. It is now open for business. Contact Weaver if you have questions.
On June 14, Treasury and the IRS released much anticipated guidance on the transfer of certain credits in the form of proposed regulations.
The IRS issued additional detailed guidance via Notice 2023-44 for the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit Allocation Program. Learn more.
The IRS issued proposed regulations on the application of the federal Superfund Tax that address a number of issues surrounding the imposition of the tax.
The IRS released guidance for determining the beginning of construction of a qualified facility for purposes of the increased IRA credits or deduction.
The IRS released guidance on the prevailing wage & apprenticeship requirements for increasing the amount of many IRA credits and the deduction under IRC § 179D.
The IRS has issued Notice 2023-38 providing guidance on the domestic content requirements. Learn more about the specific requirements for a taxpayer.
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