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Insights & Resources

Start exploring insights from across the industries we serve, featuring the latest industry trends, compliance alerts, tax and accounting news and much more.

Weaver offers information and insights to help you ask the right questions and determine appropriate plans of action based on topics and trends as they unfold.
Creating a framework for regular review of intellectual property assets can help companies capitalize on their investment and inform strategic & tactical decisions.
Boards and management should examine how traditional and emerging risks, especially generative AI and other new technology, may affect their operations.
Weaver's downloadable tool can help your organization address insider threats & identify and mitigate financial crimes, intellectual property theft & cyber attacks.
Weaver offers several topics to incorporate into the discussions at your next board and committee meetings. Consider these questions for your upcoming board meeting.
Part two of Weaver's procurement fraud series focuses on solutions and gives a downloadable tool to guard against change order abuse, bid rigging, bribes and more.
Part one of Weaver's procurement fraud series focuses on a few examples of the most prevalent schemes, such as change order abuse, conflicts of interest, bribes and more.
Scope 3 emissions include the same 6 GHGs that are inventoried in Scope 1 and Scope 2 but the difference is that they appear in the product’s value stream.
Scope 2 emissions are purchased from, and managed by, an off-site entity, such as an electric company, a localized grid or energy district.
Weaver offers several topics to incorporate into the discussions at your next board and committee meetings. Consider these questions before your next board meeting.
In our continuing series, we continue with Scope 1 emissions and take a deep dive into measuring and accounting for greenhouse gas emissions.
This article provides a summary of the steps to implement the COSO Internal Control Integrated Framework, which has become the authoritative standard.
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